Our Mission
To promote, regulate, and coordinate ethical conduct of quality health research and facilitate translation of all research products into evidence-based policies and programs that improve the health of the people of Zambia and beyond.
Our vision
A health research environment where all research is ethically conducted and all research products translate into improving the health status of the people of Zambia.
““Research has a critical role to play in evidence-based planning and management of the health care services and the functioning of the health system as a whole. The Research Authority, is particularly concerned with ensuring that the evidence generated from research is relevant and it will inform policy making thereby contributing to the improvement of health services in Zambia.” ”
A review of 2021 - 2022
Authority to conduct research requests reviewed
Authority to transfer biological materials requests reviewed
Requests to disseminate/publish findings reviewed
Famous Research Category through out 2021 - 2022 April
221 79 71 127 76 104 HIV/AIDS Covid-19 Child/Adolescent Health Maternal Health Reproductive Health Non-Communicable Diseases